Today I’ve been mostly learning about anxiety. After the mornings session I realised I have been living my life in a constant state of simmering panic and anxiety. It comes from the survival response, the 3 Fs….Fight, Flight or Fawn. It’s extremely tiring being in a constant state of readiness and it kind of colours your whole outlook on life. It hides who you really are and the rare moments when you’re not anxious, the real you shines through. The trick is to learn to manage anxiety and panic and that’s easier said than done!! In other news and as I’m being honest my ulcerative colitis has returned with a vengeance. It’s a horrible thing to suffer from and again affects your mental health. More drugs and more side affects I’m afraid. #anxiety #anxious #panicattack #phobias #suffolkmind #waves #ulcerativecolitis #sideaffects
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