About 50 years separates these two photographs. I wish I could go back in time and pass on the wisdom I have gained in over half a century. Tell him not to take this or that turn or to stand fast and keep at it. How different my life would have been, what sort of person would I have become? I could have been anything I wanted to have been, such potential wasted. Hindsight is horrible, knowing I could have changed the world in some small way, now mentally ill and struggling for answers. I know I’ve always been different and have struggled my entire life. Some may say it’s too late to look for answers but I’m determined to find out why my life has been so disastrously fractured. I’ve spent my whole life grieving for the person I should have become. I see him occasionally, brief explosions of humour determination and optimism but then he goes away again. I just want him to stay. #mind #andysmanclub #mensmentalhealth #adhdawareness #autism #suicideprevention