A poem wot I writ this morning! 😆 I have no idea of whether it’s good or bad. I have no plan, no rhyme reason or meter, I just write. I write how I feel in that moment. Once it’s written down that moment has passed. I feel at peace, at least for a while. I have no idea if I have an audience for my poetry. I think we have lost the art of language to a degree and it’s ironic that social media can be used to push art. Good poetry shouldn’t be personal. It should speak differently to different people at different times. Maybe it will spark a thought, a memory, raise questions or in some cases make you think.
#poetry #hope #writingforrecovery #suicide #mentalhealth #future #loveandhate #lost #recovery #mensmentalhealth #andysmanclub #yourstory
I lost myself in you
Lost myself so completely
That I forgot who I was
Forgot the good, the bad
The mediocre
And became silent and sad
Dark and bad
Never believed when you said
‘More than you’ll ever know’
Broke my promise to your
‘Never leave me, please’
Watched as you slept
And never thought
I could be happier
More content
More blessed
Than being with you
Feeling your slow warm breath
Against my face
And remembering, torn in two
At the laughing, the tears, the anger
And the confusion.
Never knowing if I was loved
In that moment
Wondering what version of you
Would talk to me, love me
Scared of who you’d become
And hating you
For making me love you more than
My own life