I’ve been diagnosed with EUPD and I can now start to see it for what it is. In the morning I was on top form, making all the ladies laugh in Superdrug when I was shopping for some make up. Talking to a stranger, being happy and confident, being the me that I always wanted to be. Today I am lethargic and sad, dwelling on past hurts and memories that should’ve been filed away long ago. Nevertheless, I went out and went through the motions. I suppose it’s a bit of a victory. Things can change from minute to minute. One moment I’m on a high, the next feeling crushed. I just want to be on an even keel. I’m a glorious mess! #eupdrecovery #eupdawareness #bpdawareness #bpd #mensmentalhealth
Good to have a diagnosis it helps you understand your body more.
Glad you have your diagnosis. Now you can deal with it and move on.