I had a busy day yesterday. I went to see my sister and went for a lovely walk around Needham Market Lakes. She needs help as well so I hope we can get better together. I’m determined to be a better brother to her than I have in the past. I saw my niece and nephew for the first time in months. They are wonderful kids and as I left they both said ‘We love you Doug!‘ Again I must be a better Uncle to them all.
I went to football where I did 30 minutes of fitness and stretching and then a 45 minute game of 2 touch 5 a side. It was tough going but my fitness is slowly returning and also my sense of humour. I found myself cracking jokes when in the past I had been silent.
In total I did over 10000 steps and spent 4.5 hours exercising including weights and sit ups etc. I burnt off 1700 calories when I’m eating about 1500 so I’m in deficit!
The only thing that felt strange and sad was that I couldn’t tell her how I got on or how many goals I scored (3!) She won’t nag me to put my ankle on ice or tell me ‘Well done!’
I know in time this will pass and I will be able to anything without being triggered. At the moment I am surrounded by triggers..... the whole town, places we visited, trains, my car, crazy golf, my flat, music, films..... everything!
For the first time in my life I can feel I am changing. It feels like I am being released from something and my soul seems lighter and less dark. I’m not fooling myself, there’s a long way to go, but I am definitely getting better. I have got better many times before, whether it’s recovering from a physical or mental illness. But this is different, I am slowly becoming the person I was meant to be. It’s exciting but at the same time a bit daunting. I am
leaving the old me behind and it’s difficult too say goodbye even though I dislike him immensely. I am now worried that if people see the beginnings of a new me they may smile at me and turn away, swirling their finger around their head and mouthing to their mates ‘Who is this? He must be having a turn!’
I know that I have to leave all of my old friends behind as well as the love of my life. Self loathing, low self esteem depression and physical illness I will
leave behind, lying strewn by the roadside like rotting rubbish. I know that the road ahead won’t be easy and there will some tough hills to climb. I may take a wrong turn here or there, but if I keep doing my best and keep walking I will reach my destination.
I hope you all have a beautiful day!
You weren't the only one! Anyway, that is behind us, and we are happy again xxx
I won’t ever leave you again. I’m sorry for pushing you and Phil away.
Oi! Less of the 'old'! And less leaving us behind! (Runs behind the new, changed Doug, shouting 'wait for meeeeee')