It has been many days since I’ve been here dear reader. All of those jumbled emotions at the start of my journey are slowly falling back into some semblance of order. The fear, the anger and hurt are replaced with realisation forgiveness and hope. One of my friends on Facebook said that one of my blogs read like a stream of consciousness. I have reread all of my posts since I started. From start to finish they all read like a stream. There is never a plan of what I write. I just start at the beginning and finish at the end. My mind wanders from suicide, to love, family, recovery and sometimes humour. Occasionally my words ring true for others and that is what is important. If my children, family friends and strangers get something from my writing then I have a purpose again. I have meaning.
I know I promised not to write about her after my long farewell blog. But I continue to dream about her. I know that one day I’ll be free of the dreams and the memories will fade away, but I need to write until there is nothing left to say. I need to write until I no longer have the vocabulary to express my deep sense of loss. I need to write until I forget what she even looked like.
The words below are another stream of consciousness gathered over days. I make no claims that it is a poem. It has no meter or form, it comes from my heart. It comes from those dreams I continue to have and that I hope will fade in time.
Last night I dreamt
Of lying down
On a bare hard bed
And every time I breathed
I saw your face
And as I suffocated
Beneath a gossamer thin sheet
You moved further away
Until you disappeared
And my hand was left
Clutching at nothing but air
You came so close
I could almost taste you
And as your silhouette
Faded into the grey
I felt my heart grow smaller
And break
And that once
In a lifetime opportunity
Had gone forever
Just remember
That we walked beside each other
We had the same dreams
That we laughed
And we loved
What do you do
When the only person to get to you
Has gone?
Been here m8 all I can say is time One day the pains then then one day it becomes bearable then in the end nothing But regrets are lessons we haven't learned from