If only we had the chance to turn back the clocks just once. What heartache, sadness and loss for everyone could be sidestepped and drop kicked into the far past.
We have all made huge mistakes and said things that we wish had never been said. We have all done things that we wish could be undone. We have seen things that can’t be unseen and we remember every single mistake we have made.
How quickly we forget what we meant to each other. How quickly love turns to hate. Scientists have actually proven that there is indeed a thin line between the two. The same nervous circuits in the brain that are responsible for hate are the same that are used when making love!
How many people need our forgiveness? How many people do I need to ask for the same? Hate is a terrible emotion to hang onto. It burns you up and pushes all the other emotions into the corner. Love, hope, passion and laughter are forgotten and hate becomes the all consuming master of all. With hate comes anger and it’s a vicious circle ending in nothing but emptiness.
Am I to blame for everything? No I am not, but I have to take a fair share of the stupid mistakes I have made throughout my life. I accept that I have made mistakes when both in and out of my mental faculties. I have been very mentally ill recently and I still am. I’m sure that I will make other mistakes along the way. I will no longer tear myself to pieces looking for an answer that may never reveal itself. I will have to accept what has happened and what has been done and move along.
Yes I wish I could turn the clock back but going back in time stops you moving towards your future.