Now I don’t for one moment recommend my own particular method for losing weight but in a strange way I feel so much better. When I was admitted into hospital I weighed in at a hefty 16 stone and my waistline had ballooned to around 43 inches. I had spent months comfort eating. Large bars of chocolate and M&Ms, bread and butter pudding, cakes pizzas and takeaway food replaced human contact. I was like a squirrel harvesting as much food as I could stuff into me. I felt awful. My self image crashed and as I remained indoors I did little but eat to take my mind off of my situation. I hated the way I looked and it affected how I saw myself. I lost interest in sex as I was so embarrassed at how fat I had got. So...... I now have lost about 7 inches from my waistline!!! That is a huge amount to
lose over a month and not eating for 10 days has helped. It’s not a healthy way to lose weight either but I’m slowly getting back into eating. I am now going for a spirited walk every day and do about 2.5 miles. I’m doing weights and once the gym is open I’ll be down there as well. Despite what has happened to
me my body feels the best it has ever done in years. I have freed it from all the poisonous junk food and it’s been like a miracle. My arthritis in my shoulder and back is disappearing and my completely knackered ankle is healing itself after over a year of being in constant pain. My skin is clear my hair is shiny and I have a lovely wet nose.......
Picture from 2006 aged 37. Don’t think I’ll get like that again!
To skinny better rounder