Well the museum shoot was a great success. I had packed my costume and double checked it and triple checked it…… but lost my beautiful barathea silk bow tie. I’d bought it just for the occasion and when I arrived it had gone. It really upset me…. Too much really but I like everything to be done properly and I was worried it would affect my performance. Silly I know but that’s me. In the end we fashioned a tie out of a police clip on and some black stockings! £27 the tie cost me. When I got home it was there on the floor…..
It was my first green screen acting job so felt a bit strange and we did numerous takes. I only fluffed my lines once so happy that I managed to get through it. I tried to give him some authority and gravitas and it seems to have worked. They were all very happy with me. Incidentally I was chosen for the job when the director put in ‘actor with big beard’ into the casting agents search engine!
So if you’re in Faversham and happen to go into the new Kent police museum say hello to a virtual me that’s gives you a small bit of history of the force!
Went into work this morning and went home a different way and visited Stonham Barns. Didn’t quite manage to play the crazy golf ( it’s still 4-3) but I walked around for a bit.
The EUPD /BPD diagnosis is already wearing thin. The more I learn about it the more convinced I am of having other issues. I know it’s early days but I still seem unsatisfied with the whole thing.
Anyway, beard trim this afternoon, then learning lines for the London Film School short on Monday and Tuesday in Covent Garden. Managed to get a room at the travel lodge quite cheap so will find somewhere nice to dine on the Monday night.
Have a great weekend whoever and wherever you are and catch up with my adventures Monday!