Anger is a terrible emotion. It is born of fear. It is a child of misunderstanding and confusion. It feeds itself incessantly. Flames beget flames until it’s a seething writhing bonfire of hate. I have hated and in turn been hated. I know what it’s like to be consumed by thoughts of hatred and revenge. It eats you up every single moment of every day. It’s exhausting to surround yourself with such a negative and damaging train of thought. It’s not easy to change. Such powerful hatred can come from horrendous events in your life. If you can overcome anger and hate then you have a super weapon at your disposal. Your boundaries expand from narrow overshadowed roads to open meadows. Your anger and fear, quite often directed inward, dissipates and floats away, you are free. You are free to discover those other powerful emotions. Love, understanding and forgiveness release you from the chains forged from disappointment, failure and rejection. Learn to forgive and if you can’t forgive, understand.